My Favorite Non-Business Activities

I know it might be hard to imagine, but I actually have a life outside my business! A life that I love! What I share online--for the most part--are aspects of my business and I am sure it can seem that I don’t have a life outside of business. Or maybe I’m wrong and you’re totally aware that I have a life outside my business.

What I would hope you would know is that I love the work I do, but it’s not the most important work I do.

First, I am a daughter of God, dedicated to serving His kingdom. Next, I am a wife and a mama. I am also a daughter, sister, and friend. Those roles all come before my role as business owner. It can be hard to remember this every day as I wake up, tempted to check my email and see what needs my attention. There is a lot of purpose in my work and I find great fulfillment in what I do. I love to think about strategy and I love to help others find success and solve problems. But, I also love spending time at the pool with my family, or going on dates with my husband, or having a lazy Saturday morning that involves laundry and diapers and cuddling. There is SO MUCH purpose in those things. At the end of my life, I will remember those lazy weekends at the pool with my family before I ever remember the conversion rate of my product launch.

I’ll step off my soap box now and talk to you about what I actually love to do outside of business.

My favorite non-business activities:

  1. Being Outdoors: I have to get outside every single day. I have a hard time when it rains because I am not able to be outside whenever I want to be. I love walking, running, hiking, bike rides, etc. I find so much joy and peace when I get to spend most of my day outdoors.

  2. Baking/Cooking: I love to use creativity in the kitchen and experiment with healthy baking recipes and trying new healthy dinner recipes. It’s a way for me to be creative but not be doing work!

  3. Traveling: We love to go visit family and friends, but we also love to see new and exciting places. I am also a homebody, so I don’t thrive on lots of travel. But! I love to take weekend trips and do a couple longer vacations per year.

  4. Grocery Shopping: I know, I’m weird. But, I really truly love grocery shopping. I love looking at food options and learning about new products and new foods to try.

  5. Spending time with family: if you’ve been around for a bit you probably know that I love my family. I love to spend time with them and have them a part of my day-to-day life.

  6. Walking with the stroller to a coffee shop: it’s been a new addition to my life and it’s pretty much the best thing ever. I love taking Knox out and having little coffee dates with him or with friends.

  7. Reading: this year, one of my goals was to read 12 novels. I am still working on finishing my 12 novels, but I have totally turned into a bookworm. I crave reading time and try to schedule it as often as I can! It’s different now that Knox is here, but I still try and read as much as I can! You can see some of my favorites on this blog post.

  8. Deep conversation: my love language is quality time and part of that means deep conversation. I need to connect and talk real life with people. I hate small talk and I want to know how my friends and family are truly doing. It fills my soul and makes me feel so alive!

  9. Exercise: I love moving my body! I had to give up running when I was about 20 weeks pregnant and I am SO looking forward to start running again. I also love long walks and Pilates. It’s been such a life-saver for me.

What are your favorite things to do when you're NOT working! Share with me below!