He's here! | Introducing...
He's here! We are thrilled to announce the arrival of Knox Gabriel Lyle Heckmann. He was born on July 17th, 2017 (7/17/17) and we have been in love ever since. He was born at 11:12am, weighing 6 pounds, 9 ounces. I have yet to write his birth story, but I wanted to introduce him as soon as possible!
We are adjusting to our life as a family of three and have never been more exhausted or happy at the same time. He has been such an incredible addition to our life and we can hardly imagine life without him. #allthecliches His temperament is so calm and peaceful and has made our transition to parenthood somewhat easy! Praises!
I walked into the hospital one person and left a completely changed person. If you haven't had a child yet, I'm sure you've heard people say that before. And to be honest, I would kinda roll my eyes at all the statements I used to hear before having Knox. But, it's so true. He completely changed our world and we could not be more grateful for him.
I am so proud to be his mama. I've never been more proud of myself and the fact that I grew him and gave birth to him. I've never been more proud of my body. And I've never been more raw. All of a sudden, a huge part of my heart is living a breathing in another human body and I have no control over what happens to him. I want to make sure he is safe and protected and never in danger. If I let myself be one, I would totally be a helicopter mama. But for the sake of his development, I refuse to. And I choose to fully trust God with my baby. He is in control and I just pray that Knox will choose to love and follow him with his life.
Motherhood. It's a gift and one I do not take lightly. I am blessed and grateful beyond words.
Now, for a few more photos because why not?! ......