Posts in Goal Setting
Revisiting My 2018 Goals

Setting goals for the year wasn’t always something that interested me and I never liked the idea of setting goals, because if I don’t achieve them, I get very discouraged. So, not setting goals was easier. But, then I started a business and I realized I had big dreams I wanted to chase. And there was no way I would be able to chase those dreams without setting clear, intentional goals.

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Four Ways to Prepare For a Productive Week On Sunday

I am a big fan of efficiency. I think through every decision when it comes to finding the most efficient route or way of doing something. Sometimes when we are driving somewhere and my husband takes a different route than expected, I get frustrated. I have already thought through the different scenarios and have found the most efficient way of driving, so it doesn’t make sense to go a different way! The good thing about marriage is that it makes you a better person and helps you let go of your controlling ways, amiright?!

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2018 Goals

I love setting goals. I am a task-oriented person, so my sense of accomplishment often comes from checking things off a to-do list and being productive. This is great for being motivated, but it’s not so great when you have a newborn and all you wanna do is get things done when what you really should be doing is snuggling that babe. I’ve learned a lot in the last couple of months about letting go of being productive for the sake of feeling accomplished. Sometimes the most productive thing I can do is love on my sweet little one. Hold up, that was a major bunny trail.

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How To Step Up Your Business Game in The New Year

The end of the year can be a time where we, as business owners, take time to look back on the previous year and see all the things we wish we did better. We can also look to the New Year with great hope and anticipation for what can happen next. We are eager to make big changes and quick to focus on all that we did wrong in the past year.

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