2019 Gift Guide for New Moms

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I have a special place in my heart for new moms…or any mom really. It’s not an easy job and we all sacrifice a lot. I also have a very large special place in my heart for those wanting to be mamas (don’t worry, I have a gift guide coming for those sweet ladies, too). These gifts are good for any type of mom in your life, but especially for new moms or expecting mamas! I hope you find something for her!

  1. These are the Days Mug: this mug was made with new mamas in mind! The early days are filled with hormones, spit up, sleepless nights, and lots of feelings. A morning reminder that those tender moments are precious and fleeting is perfect for a new mama!

  2. Everwell and Co facial oil: there is nothing sweeter than a long day with a little one ending with some self care. Right after I had Knox I became obsessed with my nightly skin care routine. It was the time of the day that I got to myself and splurge on some nice (clean) skincare products. This facial oil will do the trick while moisturizing and refreshing skin!

  3. Stoble Coffee: this coffee is by far my favorite coffee! I love it so much that I decided to sell it in my shop! I recently switched to decaf coffee as a way to help manage my anxiety! The switch has really helped, but decaf coffee typically isn’t that great. But then I found Stoble decaf coffee! And it’s sooo good. Try any of their blends and you’ll be in love at first sip!

  4. Ever Eden skincare: I recently came across this clean skincare product line designed especially for moms and babies. I currently have the firming cream and healing balm and have been nothing but pleased with the product! When I was a new mom, I barely had time to eat, so shopping for clean skincare wasn’t at the top of my list. But it was important to me! So, a great gift for a new mama would be treating her to some clean and luxurious bathing products for her little one!

  5. Joy comes in the morning mug: this mug was meant for the good days and bad days and every day in between! What new mama doesn’t want a cute mug, amirite?!

  6. Earrings from Emylee Says: when you’re a new mama, you often don’t feel great in your skin. Even though you are a goddess ;) One great gift idea is getting a new mama some accessories that she can easily put on to make her feel even more put together. These handmade clay earrings are a current favorite of mine! She releases new earrings every couple of weeks and they don’t last long! So get the pair you love before they’re gone! :)

  7. Overalls: these overalls are the best overalls ever! I get compliments every single time I wear them and they just keep changing lives! What’s even better? Their price tag! These are $23 and they are one of my favorite pieces of clothing! They come in a few colors, but black is my favorite! It’s nursing friendly and would be a nice piece of clothing to wear instead of squeezing into jeans!

  8. Nutpods for Coffee: there’s something very soothing about pouring a fresh cup of coffee in the morning when you have a little one! It’s often the most reliable part of your day and can be so therapeutic. For those of us off dairy (or just wanting to skip it altogether), I highly suggest Nutpods. I love to froth my Nutpods in this frother and pour it over my coffee every morning! Most non-dairy creamers or milks don’t froth well, but Nutpods does beautifully! A fun little treat for your new mama friend! You can purchase here and use code RACHEL_ALLENE for 15% off your order! Woot!

  9. The JoJo: need to get your infant to sleep better? Look no further! The JoJo comforts and relaxes little ones by providing a familiar and tranquil environment to rest, lounge, play, cuddle, practice tummy time and have a diaper change. Worth every penny!

  10. Sweatshirt: I remember doing countless loads of laundry when I was a new mama. Between all the milk stains, spit up, and blowouts, there was always laundry. And with that came with a lack of clothes to wear. This time of year is perfect for a cozy and soft sweatshirt. We think any sweatshirt from the Rachel Allene shop will make a new mama happy!

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