the heartfelt grid
how to use instagram to grow your business and build your tribe
You're stuck on Instagram.
you can't find you're ideal clients or grow your audience.
maybe, you've even considered buying followers just to make yourself look credible.
You're tired of the follow-for-follow and endless scrolling, hoping to gain likes and followers.
i hear you.
The Heartfelt Grid Guidebook is a resource that guides you through an Instagram strategy that is beyond gaining likes or followers. It's a resource that teaches you HOW to use the app to get in front of your ideal clients and turn them into raving fans, clients, and a loyal tribe member.
This resource is for you if:
You want to make REAL connections with your followers
You want to build a tribe online
You want your followers to fall in love with your brand
and you want to learn how to use the app in a way that impacts lives and grow your business.
What's included?
The Heartfelt Grid Guidebook includes:
how to find your ideal client,
my tried and true instagram secrets,
a quick guide to easy and engaging instagram captions,
how to grow your audience overnight,
how to unlock the magic of instagram stories,
5 ways (and 7 reasons why!) to start and hashtag movement,
how to beat the Instagram algorithm.
And how to implement #theheartfeltgrid principles into your business marketing.