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You want to run a ridiculously successful product shop

in fact, maybe you already have a shop, but you’re constantly dealing with issues.

you are confused and frustrated. But you can't shake this dream of yours.

And while you have some amazing product ideas, you can’t seem to find affordable production companies or printing options.

You’re stuck and frustrated.


- Should I give up?

- What am I missing?

- How do I keep going?

You feel defeated. 

Unsure of how to move forward and get your amazing designs made.



I created this for you. 

This is a easy-to-follow guide for pre-production, picking a platform to sell on, wholesale, production, and SO much more.

I'm guessing you watch other shop owner's and they seem to always be packaging orders and selling out of items.

You're dying to sell products that fly off the shelves and get them into the hands of your customers but you’re constantly stuck on production.

And I'm guessing you have no idea how to begin. Or what to do once you begin. 

There's so many things you're wondering about. 

Digitizing. Shipping. Fulfillment. Production.




You have two options. 

You could figure it out on your own.

Most likely spending hours and dollars you don't have trying to find production companies that work for you.

Or, you could have a list of production and printing companies! (plus more!)

Whatcha, going to pick, sister?

If you're like me:

you’re more than ready to dive in head first and you’re lacking on time. What are you waiting for? let's do this girl!




is your simplified and easy next step to selling the products you dream of making. 

here's what you'll learn:


  • How to sell wholesale


  • HOW TO price your products

  • hiring tips


  • SHIPPING systems and how i package,

  • Software every shop owner needs,

  • and so much more!

The Product Shop Owners Production and Printing Guide is for the aspiring or stuck shop owner who just can't seem to get it right. You're ready to up-level your efforts and get down to business. You're unsure of how exactly to get your products from idea to tangible product, but you've got big dreams and passion to make it happen. Let's work together, girl.

If you have the motivation and the right tools, you can succeed.
— unknown

you ready?


What my students say:

"Having a product based business is about so much more than just creating a product! Rachel's guide is a practical tool to help you set up the foundations of your business. I wish I'd had a guide like this when I started. I highly recommend making this investment in your business NOW, rather than struggling to figure it all out by yourself later!" -Kit Cronk

"I purchased the Product Shop Guide to turn my vision into a dream! The little bits and pieces I have read have been incredibly helpful!" -Paige Grate

Purchasing Rachel Allene’s product shop guide was the very first investment I ever made in my business and it was a GAME CHANGER. Not only does Rachel share practical tips and tricks, but she generously provides you with her tried and true systems that yield results. She walks you through the entire process of honing your brand and mission statement, as well as brainstorming, researching and designing a product, selecting a vendor {if applicable}, pricing your product to yield a profit, forming a launch day plan, marketing your product, and converting followers into customers. If running a meaningful and purposeful shop is your dream, you’ll love Rachel Allene’s heartfelt business philosophy. This comprehensive how-to guide will become your favorite, must-have tool. -Lauren Kelleher

some details:

*all suppliers listed in the suppliers and vendors for products are based in the USA.

Due to the nature of digital downloads, refunds will not be given for this product. However, I am always looking to improve this product! If you review the guide and find that it is lacking in a certain supplier or information that you would find valuable, send me an email to to let me know.