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You know the drill. The commenting, and “follow for follow” battle, the endless liking of photos; just hoping to get a couple more followers. The struggle. 

We all want to grow our audience on Instagram. But, are you able to do this in a heartfelt way?

It has always been my mission and goal to use my Instagram for more than likes and followers. It’s about impacting lives, speaking truth into the lonely places of life and business, and empowering women to be the best version of themselves. And because of this, I have been able to grow a tribe of individuals who love and “buy into” my brand. They await posts and Instagram story updates. I don’t want to look at my Instagram and see a bunch of faceless people. I want to view each follower as a person with a story. A person who needs to be heard and cared for. This is the mission behind #theheartfeltgrid. 

And now, I am sharing my strategy and heart behind fostering #theheartfeltgrid! Will you join me? 

Let me explain:

#theheartfeltgrid is a FREE 5-day Instagram challenge created to help YOU foster a heartfelt presence on your Instagram feed. This challenge is meant to get you a little out of your comfort zone, while also giving you some strategy for running an Instagram feed that is heartfelt and authentic. 



At your convenience! Follow the challenge at your pace. 


Instagram, of course!


I will be sending you daily emails with specific instructions for your post that day. Each day will focus on a different aspect of running a heartfelt grid and will build on each other. 

It would also be my hope that you would be able to connect with other heartfelt Instagram pals, so we will be cheering each other on in a private Facebook group! 

Are you ready to join me?

I have full confidence that this will make big changes in your business. 

let's do it!

You’ll be sent a worksheet to complete before the challenge and an exclusive invite to the Facebook group. I can’t wait to get started!